Most frequent Dutch verbs (0-A2)

Ever wondered what the most frequent Dutch verbs are? Below you will find a full list of all the verbs in the 2000 most commonly used Dutch language. The list contains 466 verbs.

The list of the verbs is unique because it includes not only irregular, but also regular Dutch verbs! Next to that, you will find the forms for the past tenses: Simple Past singular and plural, and Present Perfect - again for all the verbs. On the right, you will find the closest English translation(s) of the Dutch verbs.

The 2000 most frequent words are the base for the vocabulary requirements needed for the Dutch Integration Exam (Inburgeringsexamen) - the A2 level of proficiency. As you are learning the verbs from this list, you make sure that you are well prepared for the exam.

Want to exercise the meaning of the verbs? Check out the free flashcards that TaalBoost has prepared, and start exercising your Dutch verbs today! Each set contains between 75 and 100 verbs.

At TaalBoost, we cover the verbs in depth at Level 2 (A2): you get to learn about the past tenses, the separable verbs, and the reflexive verbs. Sign up for an engaging, interactive, teacher-guided and feedback-driven TaalBoost Dutch language course today!

Check out the most frequent verbs from A2 to B1 by clicking here!

Mirko Cvetkovic