20 Instagram accounts you should follow if you are learning Dutch

When you are learning Dutch, one of the first thing you want to do - and should do - is surround yourself with the language. By doing this, you are immersing yourself in the language.

Although non-selective language immersion is good for children who acquire a language for the first time, for an adult it does not necessarily mean that you should just surround yourself with any kind of content out there. Well, you could do that, but you will miss on at least two things: 1. not every type of content is appropriate for someone who is learning the language, and 2. not all content is as fun or informative. And while the latter is completely dependent on personal choices and preferences, the former is best absorbed when it corresponds to your proficiency level.

Take these two examples: out of curiosity and a learner’s need for that bit of extra (authentic) listening comprehension, you start eavesdropping on a conversation at a supermarket or - if possible - at work, between two Dutch speakers. If you are not familiar with the context and - even worse - if the two are talking in a dialect or just a slightly off-standard Dutch accent (the one you learn at a language school), chances are thin that you will pick up much of what is being said. The Dutch language is specifically hard in this regard, as the speakers tend to ‘glue’ the words to each other. The second example happens in a more controlled setting, is more understandable, and certainly more polite than eavesdropping, but still difficult to comprehend, especially if you are a beginner: the Dutch news. Why is this the case? The speaking pace is too fast, and the word choice exceeds the vocabulary of a beginning learner. So when to start then?

Whether you prefer to fix your groceries online rather than to pay a visit to the supermarket, you get your portion of news from the feed rather than from the tv set, or you just have an Instagram account and are learning the Dutch language - it might be a good idea to add these accounts to the ones you already follow.

Not only will the extra touch of Dutch boost your understanding, you will also get daily updates on the actual news, popular culture in the Netherlands, arts, language what to watch on tv or Netflix and so on.

Would you like to see more Dutch quality content in your Instagram feed? TaalBoost has made a list of 20 must-follow Instagram accounts that not only deliver quality content but are informative, entertaining and easy to follow. 

  1. NOS Stories www.instagram.com/nosstories (Dutch news for young people)

  2. NOS op 3 www.instagram.com/nosop3 (explanation of the news in Dutch)

  3. VPRO www.instagram.com/omroepvpro (Dutch public broadcaster)

  4. NOS Jeugdjournaal www.instagram.com/nosjeugdjournaal (Dutch news for the youth)

  5. The Best Social Media NL www.instagram.com/thebestsocialmedianl (funny tweets and Facebook posts)

  6. NOS www.instagram.com/nos (Dutch news network)

  7. NRC.nl www.instagram.com/nrcnl (Dutch newspaper)

  8. Kakhiel www.instagram.com/kakhiel (language jokes, dad jokes, memes)

  9. De Volkskrant www.instagram.com/de_volkskrant (Dutch newspaper)

  10. Netflix Nederland en België www.instagram.com/netflixnl (Netflix highlights in Dutch)

  11. AT5 www.instagram.com/at5.nl (Amsterdam broadcaster)

  12. De Speld www.instagram.com/de_speld (satire, fake news)

  13. Het Parool www.instagram.com/hetparool (Amsterdam newspaper)

  14. NU.nl www.instagram.com/nu.nl (Dutch online newspaper)

  15. Quest Braintainment www.instagram.com/questnl (Dutch science magazine)

  16. LINDA. www.instagram.com/linda (Dutch celebrity magazine)

  17. VICE Nederland www.instagram.com/vicenl (Dutch version of the VICE lifestyle and cultural magazine)

  18. NPO Zapp www.instagram.com/npozapp (Children’s block on Dutch broadcaster NPO)

  19. EenVandaag www.instagram.com/eenvandaag (Television programme on current affairs)

  20. TaalBoost www.instagram.com/taalboost (Short videos on Dutch language, useful Dutch phrases, interesting Dutch words)

Do you have any other suggestions?

TaalBoost Dutch language courses give you all the necessary tools and prepare you for the language immersion, either fully online or in combination with the offline lessons. Sign up for a TaalBoost Dutch language course here.

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